Warm Winter
Surviving Boston winters can be a daunting thing as temperatures drop low and snowstorms occur, but winter can be 'warm' when you spend it with the right people. I often see winter photoshoots associated with a theme of isolation and loneliness. However, my first experience of winter in Boston was a heart-warming and pleasant one. I was in my dorm room with my roommate when we heard someone outside screaming with excitement "SNOW! IT'S SNOWING!" Looking out of the window, I saw gentle fluffs of snowflakes descending to the ground. There was no time to waste, I thought. I grabbed my winter jacket, camera, and rushed outside where I witnessed a mesmerizing winter scenery.
I decided on the theme of "Warm Winter" with the hope of conveying the warmth and liveliness that resides with the pure, white snow. In order to do this, I tried incorporating elements of life into the winter photos I take, for example including people as the subject or making the best use of sunlight.